[位置定位] 在手掌尺侧,微握拳,当小指本节(第5指掌关节)后的远侧掌横纹头赤白肉际。
[解剖] 在小指尺侧,第五掌骨小头后方,当小指展肌起点外缘;有指背动、静脉,手背静脉网;布有尺神经手背支。
[主治作用] 头项强痛,目赤,耳聋,咽喉肿痛,腰背痛,癫狂痫,疟疾,手指及肘臂挛痛。
[配伍] 配列缺、悬锺治项强痛;配人中治急性腰扭伤。
[附注] 手太阳经所注为“输”;八脉交会穴之一,通督脉。
[Point Location] With a loose fist made, In the depression proximal to the head of the fifth metacarpal bone, at the junction of the red and white skin.
[Indications] Stiffness or rigidity of neck, tinnitus, deafness, occipital headache, lumbago, paralysis of upper extremities, night sweating, epilepsy, malaria