[位置定位] 在足背与小腿交界处的横纹中央凹陷处,当拇长伸肌踺与趾长伸肌腱之间。
[解剖] 在拇长伸肌膜与趾长伸肌胫之间;有胫前动、静脉;浅部当腓浅神经,深层当腓深神经。
[主治作用] 头痛,眩晕,癫狂,腹胀,便秘,下肢痿痹。
[配伍] 配阳陵泉、悬锺治下肢痿痹。
[附注] 足阳明经所行为“经”。
[Point Location] On the dorsum of the foot at the midpoint of the transverse crease of the ankle joint, approximately level with the tip of the external malleolus in a depression between the extensor digitorum longs and hallucis longus tendons.
[Indications] Paralysis of lower extremities, disorders of the malleolus joint and its surrounding soft tissue