[位置定位] 在手掌尺侧,微握拳,当小指本节(第5指掌关节)前的掌指横纹头赤白肉际。
[解剖] 有指背动、静脉;布有尺神经手背支。
[主治作用] 头痛,目痛,耳鸣,咽喉肿痛,乳少,热病。
[配伍] 配耳门、翳风治耳鸣。
[附注] 手太阳经所溜为“荥”。
[Point Location] With a loose fist made the point is found on the ulner side of the fifth digit, in the depression distal to the metacarpophalangeal joint, at the junction of the red and white skin.
[Indications] Pain in the arm. numbness of the fingers, febrile diseases, eye diseases, tinnitus